As the travelling to Russia may be rather complex because of COVID-19, this year Organizing committee has decided to organize IFSOE-2021 in combined online and on-site formats. We kindly invite all participants, who will be able to visit Russia in conference timeline, to join us at the Enikilopov Intsitute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials of RAS. Other participants are welcome to join Conference sessions online, via Zoom. Concerning Registration fee, please, visit our website. Registration fee includes coffee breaks, conference materials, visa support and online access to conference sessions. IFSOE team sincerely wishes you strong health, well-being and is looking forward to see you at IFSOE-2021!
Dear Collegues,
the Organizing Committee cordially invites you to participate in the 7th International Fall School on Organic Electronics (IFSOE-2021).
Organic Electronics is a booming multidisciplinary field that unites efforts of chemists, material scientists, physicists, and engineers in a quest for the new generation of flexible lightweight, and transparent electronic optoelectronic devices such as organic solar cells (OPV), field-effect transistors (OFET), light-emitting transistors (OLET), light-emitting diodes (OLED) etc. The IFSOE 2021 will cover all key aspects of Organic Electronics to give the attendee a comprehensive view of the field from materials and fundamental physics to devices and applications.
The IFSOE is traditionally ogranized by Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials RAS and Physics Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The first workshop was launched in 2014 and according to responses from lecturers and participants was very successful. Archives of previous workshops (with photos) are available here: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020.
The abstract template is available in the personal account after the registration.
Poster guidelines: Due to combined format of the conference, the poster session will be held online.
To attend the poster session the participants should prepare short video about their research up to 5 minutes and send it to our e-mail by the September, 8.
The PowerPoint Presentation can be used for video creation - the tutorial on creating a video is available via link.
Oral presentations are planned to be 15 minutes long including questions.
The School Program will include high-level tutorial lectures of world leading scientists, short talks selected from the submitted abstracts and posters.
View scientific programThe IFSOE workshop will take place in Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials of RAS, in one of leading polymer research organisation in Russia.
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